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NB1211S6 Super Natural - Giraffe Sponge Bone in resin

ITEM # NB1211S6

Supernatural Galaxy Series - Light Blue Giraffe Sponge bone in dark Bronze Amber resin. scales
4.49'' x 2.18'' x 0.61'' inch thickness.

For more information on what this product is and how to use this and other of the exotic materials from around the world sold on this site go to www.giraffebone.com

Finish your blocks up to a 1000 grit. Apply a very thin layer of super thin glue (CA) -- we recommend Zap A Gap #PT01. You can spray mild CA accelerator like our #PT15 on the scale. Sand again from 400 grit up to 1000 grit. Inspect for lumps of CA and sand until smooth.
Repeat above process with a new coat of CA. You can repeat this process up to 4 times but do not use too much CA to avoid cracking. Sand until you are happy with the finish. Final finish with Micron sanding paper 4000 grit - our #WD103 and buff lightly on a buffing wheel.

*Can NOT ship outside of the United States*