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TKG Challenge Competition Kit 2025

Exclusive to Texas Knifemakers Guild members! 

Find out how you can join TKG and compete in the TKG / Jantz Build-Off.

The Challenge Competition is a unique category of this year's competition as entrants can use any material they would like as long as they purchase (or have purchased) all materials used in your project from Jantz Supply.  

Download complete set of rules here.

1.  Competitors are strictly limited to materials purchased from Jantz Supply, with the exception of epoxy, wood oils, dyes or wax, and necessary materials for working (abrasives, files, etc).  Makers will be held to the honor system in reporting this.

2.  Competitors must document their build using photos and/or videos culminating in a "how to" product that other makers can follow to replicate their build. Photos or video must provide enough information for an intermediate knifemaker to follow along.

3.  Jantz Supply may publish maker guides and photos of builds on their website, YouTube channel and other platforms with full credit given to the maker and links to the makers website and/or social media as available.  Participation in this competition serves as permission for use.

4.  Makers will be judged on multiple factors including blade design, grinding, polishing, creativity, fit and finish, and overall form and functionality for the blades intended purpose.  Additionally, this category will also be judged by the final "how to" product including quality of photos / video and instructional guide usability.

To enter this competition, please add this item to your cart and checkout.  There is no cost for entry.


Entry Form - please complete and submit with your entry.  

Return Shipping Form - please include this form if mailing your entry for submission.